My original ANTANI blog is at This blog is exclusively for my English class assignments.

Friday, June 11, 2010

English Class Assignments On My Other Blog

I posted a few of my assignments on my main blog, because I felt that they were important enough to be placed there. Here are links to them, to keep things organized:

My computer tutorial -

Journal assignment -

Journal assignment -

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blog Review: Life With Aspergers

I found this blog with a Google search, and I think it is amazing. It is a blog maintained by someone with Asperger's Syndrome (Gavin Bollard). The blog was started in 2007, and is still updated.

It is located at

I think it is amazing because it provides information geared toward parents, and also to those who actually have Aspergers. The blog posts are long, but that isn't a bad thing. I like the long posts, it helps me to get a better idea of what the content is 'saying'.

The blog is presented mostly from a neutral point of view. I think that is good, because it is good information, and is also unbiased. It is formatted quite readably too, with the posts split up into sections with bold headings. There are many posts, and they are all rich with information.

There are some groups of posts that are all about one specific topic related to Aspergers. Such as "Aspergers versus Autism - The Great Label Debate", which is a 3 part piece about Aspergers and Autism being merged in 2013 (The DMS V).

The content on the blog are things like book reviews, guides, and opinions. All of them are unique in some way, and the information can't be found easily on the internet all in one piece. I think that every teacher should read at least some of this blog.

Anyway, just wanted to express my thoughts about this blog. That is the end of this post.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Book Review: Bounce, Tumble, and Splash!

I found a book about Blender 3D ( called "Bounce, Tumble, and Splash!". This book focuses on the physics aspect of Blender, and the different animations you can create. I didn't read the whole book, but that is because I don't have time to read the whole thing. I read enough of the book, and got a good sampling of every major section to write a review.

The book's cover

I think the book is great. It has been very useful to me, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to do physics animations with Blender. The book has very in-depth information, along with some information that is hard to find online.

In the book, there is information about the fluid, rigid body and soft body simulations. There is also information about the particle system, which really helped to increase my understanding of particles in Blender. There are a lot of images in the book, which helps to visualize what is being explained. The CD included with the book has the source files that were used to create all the images.

It explains concepts that can be difficult to understand, but the way they are presented is very clear and comprehensible. Though it explains things clearly, I sometimes found the information hard to follow in a way. I would be reading about one aspect of soft bodies, and then it would start explaining something completely different about them.

The book not only covers the physics, but also making them look good. After it explains how to set up a simulation, it explains how to set up the materials and make it look great. I think that is an essential part of any book on Blender.

To conclude this review, I would recommend this book if you are looking into Blender physics.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Site review: Your Little Professor

I found a website called "Your Little Professor". It is located at This website has information about children with Asperger's Syndrome. I found this website because I was looking for another thing to write about for my English journal. At the moment, I am interested in finding information about Asperger's Syndrome, and dealing with it in life.

I think the site is very good. It provides good, comprehensive information about the smaller, more complex problems in children with Asperger's. I have found it difficult to find information about Asperger's that is 'all in one place'. Looking at the layout of the site, I noticed that on every page it has references. That means the site is basically information someone compiled from many different sources, and created a site with lots of information.

It seems to advertise a certain Asperger's summer camp on every page, with nothing more than a phone number. I find this unnecessary. They already have a list of summer camps and schools on their site.

The content of the site is rich with information, solutions and further reading (in the references). The information seems mostly geared towards parents, but not so much that it is useless to children or other adults with Asperger's.

I would recommend this site to those who want more in-depth information about Asperger's Syndrome. That wraps up this post, more to come soon.